Modern day cataract surgery is very safe with a success rate of over 98% at our Mission Valley Eye Medical Center.

Cataract Surgery is a microsurgical procedure used to remove cataract from the eye.The natural lens of the eye is removed using phacoemulsification (emulsification of the lens using an ultrasonic hand piece) and is then replaced with an intraocular lens implant. The implanted lens is selected very carefully so as to correct the patient’s refractive error. Some lens implants can correctastigmatism. Some implants are custom made to suit an individual need. The procedure is performed using local anaesthesia and intra-venous sedation. For cataract surgery we use state of the art technology.

As with any surgical procedure there are risks to consider before having surgery. Technology and surgical techniques have reduced these risks to a very low level however, these need to be considered.
